Site icon Go Cotswolds

The Name

I’ve been working on this project full time since the start of November. Yes, I know, it’s taking its time (something that my Dad also kindly pointed out on a recent trip to a rugby match).

However, there has been a multitude of things that I’ve first had to find out, deliberate over and then work out what direction I wanted to take. Some of which I may go into at one point or another.

One thing I’d been mulling over enormously was what to call it. It’s working name – and the one I initially inserted in my business plan – was Tom’s Tours. I was never going to call it this but it seemed the most apt thing to refer to it in the short term.

Until recently I’d always wanted to call it Shire Tours. This is based on a colloquialism used by many locals in the area who refer to the area we live in as “The Shire”.

But the more I thought about it the more I thought this was limited to a very specific audience and an audience that wouldn’t necessarily be interested in going on tours of the Cotswolds.

Most people not from the area would probably associate The Shire with Lord of the Rings after-all.

So last week I finally decided to have a brainstorm. I pestered Lisa for a few ideas and then wrote a list of what I thought were the best. Once I’d done this I created a survey on Google Forms and let my personal Facebook friends & Twitter followers free on it.

The result was pretty much what I hoped. My favourite all along was Go Cotswolds. But I also liked The Cotswolds Adventure. These proved most popular (over 50% of the vote chose one of those two) and the more I thought about it the more I liked using them both. Go Cotswolds with The Cotswolds Adventure as its slogan.

And so – in that brief brainstorm and social media survey – Go Cotswolds was born. Thanks friends.

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